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Remarks by US Ambassador Alexander Arvizu at the Prosecutor General Office

Remarks by US Ambassador Alexander Arvizu at the Prosecutor General Office

Subcribers Only

Tirana, January 25 2011 NOA – “I think that many of us are still in shock and very saddened by the events of last Friday. One central issue that has emerged from that day’s events is the question of an investigation into the circumstances behind that very difficult day.

Under Albanian law, the Office of the Prosecutor General has the lead in investigating that situation and I just want to state before everyone here that the United States supports the office of the prosecutor very fully and very completely.

I will look and examine very carefully the PG’s letter to me. I will need to send it to Washington, DC for further consideration. However, I expect that the response will be favorable and positive although the details will need to be worked out.

I note that many Albanians, beginning with the Prosecutor General, but also including the PM, Mr. Edi Rama, as well as many Albanians have called for international assistance with this investigation. If it is the decision or the determination of the PG that the United States can be of assistance I feel obligated that we should try.

It is also my hope that by this gesture we will demonstrate our sincerity about establishing a better political environment here in Albania, which really needs it today. And in light of this development, I hope that the two political leaders, the PM and the leader of the opposition will consider postponing or cancelling their scheduled rallies for Friday and Saturday this week.

Again, I look forward to working with the Prosecutor General in her efforts to have a comprehensive, complete, and credible investigation”.