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Jails officials for deadly clashes

Jails officials for deadly clashes

Subscribers Area – pr@noa.al

Tirana, February 14 2011 NOA – Four top officers of Albania’s Republican Guard accused of being involved in violence at a January opposition rally that left four dead have been jailed for a month, a police spokeswoman said on Saturday.

The four Republican Guard members, who were detained late Friday, “are accused of abuse of power and upon a Tirana court ruling they have to serve a 30-day jail sentence,” a police spokeswoman said.

The court ruled “in discretion” on Friday and its decision to sentence them to a one-month jail term was made public after they were arrested, spokeswoman Alma Katragjini explained.

Two other Republican Guard top officers, suspected of firing at the crowd during the January 21 rally, were detained on Wednesday.

At least five other Republican Guard members were earlier also taken into custody but were released after being interrogated. Initially police had refused to carry out arrest orders on the Republican Guard, the unit, which handles protection of high ranking government figures.

Agence France-Presse