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Albania’s progress

Albania’s progress

Letters to the “International Herald Tribune”: Albania's Progress, By Majlinda Bregu

Albania’s progress

Daniel Korski’s article “Stop Albania’s Self Destruction” (Views, Jan. 27) stunned many who are interested and informed about Albania.

Speaking about the general elections of 2009, he gives an incomplete picture of the findings of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which concluded that the poll met “most O.S.C.E. commitments” and that “there was no evidence of irregular counting or manipulation of results.”

Regarding corruption, Transparency International’s 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index ranked Albania 87th place out of 178 countries.

But Mr. Korski fails to remark on our country’s progress. As recently as 2005, Albania was 126th out of 159 countries. Substantial fiscal reform and a fight against corruption have helped boost business in the country.

Albania also received the prestigious 2010 U.N. Public Service Award for “improving transparency, accountability and responsiveness in public service.”

On Jan. 21, the head of the opposition failed in his attempt to topple by violence a legitimate government.

We thank the United States and the European Union for their support in overcoming the situation. In full compliance with the law, we will do our utmost to protect the constitutional order and bring perpetrators to justice.

Mr. Korski’s arguments are most surprising when he suggests that the E.U. should abolish Albania’s institutions and start from scratch by organizing new elections, a measure envisaged only in postwar situations.

Majlinda Bregu, Tirana, Albania

Minister, spokesperson of the government of Albania