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Campaign for Children Safety in the Internet

Campaign for Children Safety in the Internet

Microsoft Second Forum for Innovative Teachers

Tirana, February 15 2011 NOA – The Campaign for Children Safety in the Internet and the second Forum for Innovative Teachers is organized from Microsoft and the Ministry of Education and Science in Albania on February 15th 2011 (10:00-15:00h) in Tirana International Hotel, Tiranë.

Invited in this event: Mr. Myqerem Tafaj, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Detlef Palm, General Director of Unicef in Albania, Mr. Altin Hazizaj, Director of CRCA, Center of Rights of Children in Albania.

Forum’s Speakers: Mr. Arsen Kurti, General Director, Microsoft Albania, Mr. Michael Hartman, (General Director of Central and Eastern Europe, HQ.

During this event the children from the elementary schools will test and try out the Game of Study developed for this purpose, which targets children up to 14 years old, as one of the most important tools to achieve the stability of this initiative. The educational guides and leaflet which will be handed out to the teachers, can be used as learning and teaching materials in class. Moreover, we will hand out to the parents and the rest of the public the Content of Children Safety in Internet as brochures for the Family Safety and Parental Control as well as of the different presentations.[media id=134 width=600 height=440]

The Campaign for the Safety of Children in Internet, which is in the context of the European Day of Internet Safety, aims to attract the attention of the broad public on the importance of the safety of children while they use internet, and to increase awareness for the role of teachers, parents and community regarding this topic. The campaign this year will focus in the presentation of main topics to understand the risks of internet for children and youth, with a practical advice to keep children safe in internet use, and to present the technological tools that help in decreasing exposure to inappropriate content and potential risks. In addition, presentations will take place to emphasize the governmental and institutional initiatives as well as action for the creation of a safer computer environment for the children of our country.

Forum of Innovative Teachers, represent a series of meetings and yearly contests of educators, which take place in the whole country, in Europe and in the world, to reward extraordinary teachers who use teaching elements of the 21st Century and use them to teach their students through technological innovations.

The forum will be organized by the form of a rewarding ceremony and exhibition of teaching projects submitted by the teachers of elementary and middle schools. After receiving the reqards from Microsoft, the winners will be invited to represent Albania in the European Innovative Teachers’ Forum that will take place in Moscow on March 2011.
