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Socialist Party held a new anti-government rally

Socialist Party held a new anti-government rally

Socialist Party held a new anti-government rally on Friday in capital Tirana to demand an end to the current government and ask for early elections.

Tens of thousands of the opposition supporters gathered outside Prime Minister Sali Berisha's office building, where four protesters were shot dead in the January 21 anti-government demonstration.

The main boulevard was thronged with protesting crowds, who chanted "New elections," "Berisha Murderer." The two-hour demonstration was peaceful without any disruptions.

The opposition led by Edi Rama has been calling for the resignation of the coalition government and an early election, which is due in 2013.

Hundreds of police and national guards in full riot gear stood guard in front of the main government building which witnessed a chaos of stone-throwing protesters and tear gas-firing police on January 21.

Paskal Milo, Albania's former foreign minister from the Socialist Party, told that the opposition's demonstration will not stop until the downfall of the coalition government.