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Tirana says Serbia-Kosovo dialogue indispensable

Tirana says Serbia-Kosovo dialogue indispensable

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Tirana March 9, 2011 NOA – Albania said Tuesday that the direct dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo under EU auspices is "indispensable" for the peace and stability of the Balkans.

"We believe that the direct dialogue between two neighbouring sovereign countries is indispensable and will contribute to the peace and stability of the region as well as to its European future," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Tirana, a close ally of Pristina, stressed that "the independence of Kosovo is an irrevocable reality today, recognised by 75 states and any effort to reopen that issue will not contribute to the dialogue".

Albania at the same time hopes that "the dialogue in Brussels serves in a constructive way to Kosovo's participation in all regional forums, initiatives and elsewhere," it added.

The EU-brokered talks, first since Pristina unilaterally declared independence from Serbia three years ago, was to start late in the day and wind up Wednesday. The dialogue will be focused on issues related to every day life such as border crossings, trade or personal documentation.

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