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AMC’s pledge to the environment

AMC’s pledge to the environment

AMC introduces AMC Green, its new environmental brand.

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Tirana, April 1, 2011 NOA - Green is the color of AMC since 2005. Yesterday, AMC kickstarted AMC Green which encompasses projects and initiatives contributing to the environment.

During an event at its premises, employees and media were introduced with the new unique look that will accompany all activities of AMC that focus on environment. Participanting employees painted some recycled panels with visuals that direct to green actions and thus left their mark in AMC Green.

The CEO of AMC, Mr Dimitris Blatsios, said in this activity: “At AMC we like to be business leaders but we also like to be leaders in the people minds regarding social responsibility. That’s why today we are launching a big initiative and it is so important for us that we decided to brand it. We called it AMC Green and as a key visual we chose a tree. This initiative is going to be expressed through a lot of activities in the future because it is much more than a communication tool. It is a commitment. This is a long term policy, and we want to inbuilt it in our corporate culture.”

AMC is one of the most active companies regarding projects that benefit the society. Planting trees and enhancment of green areas is a yearly initiative embraced by AMC, such as Tirana streets, Kamza Municipality and the Llogara National Park. Cleaning and placing recycle bins in schools, cities and turistic sites, Friends of Water awareness campaign for pupils, and cleaning of beaches are among activities that AMC supports and its employees take part in.

AMC Green is present in the company’s everyday activities. AMC has implemented an environmental management system, applying the EU standards and certificates. It has launched internally the paper recycling program, and at the same time reducing the consumption of electricity, paper, raw material and solid waste. These nature-friendly initiatives are warmly welcomed by the employees and the first results are already here and it’s obvious now that AMC Green is a concept that naturally fits in the AMC corporate culture.

The final aim of all these activities is to try and imbue the qualities of environmental awareness into AMC’s employees and the society, resulting in a better strategy to use the natural resources. AMC is a socially responsible company, which uses green technology in its operations and supports actions that benefit the society, because protecting natural resources does not mean only preserving the past and the present, but also building a sustainable future!


Versioni shqip: AMC paraqet AMC Green, në mbrojtje të natyrës, me brandin e ri mjedisor