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Berisha: Elbasani region, an epicenter of investments in energy

Berisha: Elbasani region, an epicenter of investments in energy

Tirana, April 26, 2011 NOA - Prime Minister Sali Berisha held today evening an electoral rally with the local residents of “Skënderbej” quarter, in Elbasan. Accompanied by the candidate of the “Alliance for the Citizens” coalition running for mayor at May 8 local polls, Mr. Durim Hushi, the prime minister expressed his pleasure that in a few days time will kick off works on building Tiranë-Elbasan highway and the 2.4 km tunnel as part of it. PM Berisha said:

“I am grateful for your support and assure you that the vote for Durim Hushi will get transformed into a personal success for every citizen of Elbasan. We are determined that during the next four years to multiply investments in this wonderful city. The works on building Tiranë-Elbasan highway will kick off in a few days time; it will cut the travel time between the capital and Elbasan by 50 minutes and the two cities will get transformed into a common metropolis.

We built during the past four years 400 km road in this region, but I say investments will be greater over the current four year time. There will be a bypass in your city and under Durim Hushi we shall built and rebuilt every road, school, medical centre and canal network. We target to promote Elbasan like all Albania into a developed country.

Our alternative carries the citizen at the epicenter. Hence, during the next four years the industrial park will go ahead and your region will be an epicenter of investments in the field of energy. The local infrastructure is changing rapidly. Soon the Southern Axis will grow toward Berat; the road will pass into Stude Pass and to Gjinar. We shall make available all tourist areas in your city.

Hence, on May 8 you vote for the alternative for the citizen. Naturally, our way is hard, but throughout the history of mankind everything good requires sacrifice, hard work and effort of the people.

We realized during the past four years the dream of the Albanians, the NATO membership of the country, the visa-free travel, Albania a tourist destination, the road of the nation and doubled the low salaries and pensions.

On the other hand, the alternative of the one way of the opposition targets to block every reform, every law and project in which you are interested in as they change your life, create new jobs and increase salaries and pensions.

You must remember that night when the knights of the lonely road attempted to block the approval of the budget on the tunnel. I told them that nothing could hamper the building of the tunnel and that the citizens of Elbasan, Korça, and Librazhd will respond by their vote to the socialist legislators getting orders by sms to vote against. We are determined that the taxpayers’ money to be transformed into roads, schools, waterworks, businesses, tourism and salary increase. And I promise that in 18 months time together with the prime citizens of Tirana and Elbasan, Lulzim Basha and Durim Hushi we shall inaugurate the tunnel along the highway connecting Tirana with Elbasan.

Meanwhile, Mr. Rama is plunging himself more and more into the cauldron of his lonely way full of slanders, cheating and bad language. But, we focus only on the citizens and have projects to fulfill their interests.

Hence, I appeal you that on May 8 to vote in the citizen spirit of this city which has radiated light, learning, and civilization to the entire nation. Let’s vote Durim Hushi and I promise to make a reality every project of yours over the next four years.”