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Berisha reacts to Osama Bin Laden death

Berisha reacts to Osama Bin Laden death

“This is a victory of the USA over terrorist”

Tirana, May 2, 2011 NOA – Prime Minister Sali Berisha reacted today to the Al-Qaeda leader also the mastermind of terrorist acts, Osama Bin Laden, being killed by the US forces inPakistan and appreciated it as a great victory of theUSA over terrorism.

Speaking to reporters, PM Berisha said that Bin Laden got what he deserved and emphasized that his death relieves the pain of thousands of September 11 victims.

The prime minister said:

“Today’s headline of the international news is elimination of one of the blackest figures of the history of mankind. It’s the death of the man who by his primitiveness and aggressive behavior took the lives of thousands of people in New York, but even in other countries worldwide; they were innocent people, on whom this cruel man, Bin Laden, wanted to realize his medieval and the most inhuman ends. But, now he got the deserved response while hidden in his den for years. This marks a great victory of the United States of America, President Barack Obama; it’s the victory of peace and all those who consider terrorism the number one enemy of peace and their freedom. This is the most consoling news for families of thousands of innocent victims of the attacks that the chief terrorist Osama Bin Laden masterminded in many countries of the world.”
