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Arvizu: Privileges of immunity should not be allowed

Arvizu: Privileges of immunity should not be allowed

Tirana, October 21, 2011 NOA/ Arlinda Koçi - Ambassador of the United States of America, Mr. Alexander Arvizu announced today, during the completion ceremony of Millennium Challenge that “the privileges of immunity should not exist for no officials.” The American diplomat said that the country has achived an important progress and the Millennium Challenge is a success story for Albania. He said that the project funds have helped in the qualifications of administration and in the creation of modern institutions. In connection with the removal of immunity, the Prime Minister Berisha said in his speech at the meeting, that is open to any option related to the removal of immunity, considering as a necessary step in the fight against corruption. “I invite the opposition to work together, because it is normally to have different opinions between the majority and the opposition. I am glad that, at the seminar, the opinion about removal of immunity was supported by international experts. I assure the opposition, that i am prepared for each of the to variants of our immunity, showing responsibility towards the albanian citizens, based on the principe, equality before the law.”- said Mr. Berisha. a.k/NOA