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Rama: Kosova-Albania, a common system of education

Rama: Kosova-Albania, a common system of education

Pristina, 28 November 2011, NOA/R.Bulku - - Socialist Party leader Edi Rama has called for more cooperation betweenAlbaniaand Kosovo. In his visit to Pristine, Rama met the leaders of the State; as Afifete Jagjaga President, Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, chairman of the Assembly, Jakup Krasniqi.

In his statements Rama mentioned the need to create a common educational system, as well as more cooperation on issues relating to integration in the European Union.

Rama met with movement leader “Vetvendosja”, Albin Kurti. Rama said which will be a national asset. Rama said that “Vet[vendosja is a national asset”.
