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Joint statement of OSCE, US and EU ambassadors in Albania

Joint statement of OSCE, US and EU ambassadors in Albania

Tirana, June 5, 2011 NOA - The Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania Ambassador Eugen Wollfarth, the Ambassador of the United States of America Alexander Arvizu, and the Head of the European Union Delegation Ambassador Ettore Sequi jointly stated today:

"We noted the decision by the Albanian Electoral College as the highest legal body adjudicating election appeals. It is essential that all sides act after this decision in a calm, mature and restrained manner, putting the national interest ahead of any partisan self interest. It is equally important that all sides, political parties and citizens, wait until the final results of these elections are certified by the Central Election Commission as required under Albanian law. We believe that on May 8, the people of Albania voted for their choice of candidates. It is this voice that must now be heard and respected by all political parties. We will be closely following the completion of the electoral process and the publication of the final results as well as the assessment of the process by the OSCE/ODIHR elections' observation mission taking into account the concerns raised in our previous statements.
