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Profit the best with ALBtelecom “i+fix 1,999 ALL” and “i+fix 2,999 ALL”

Profit the best with ALBtelecom “i+fix 1,999 ALL” and “i+fix 2,999 ALL”

ALBtelecom launches in the market two new packages for the service of fix telephony and internet, conceptualized as full and profitable packages for users of fix telephony and internet service with ADSL. Starting from July the 1st, 2011, family subscribers of fix telephony and internet service with ADSL, as well as those who newly subscribe, will profit from the offers of newest packages “I+Fix 1,999 ALL” and “I+Fix 2,999 ALL”.

ALBtelecom has conceptualized as a single package the service of FOLFIX packages and the internet service with ADSL in a more profitable price. By paying monthly 1,999 ALL, the existing subscribers and the new ones can be subscribed in the package “I+Fix 1,999 ALL” and profit the internet package 2 Mbps with 8 Gbyte monthly limit, as well as the offer FOLFIX 1000. FOLFIX 1000 package includes 1000 minutes within ALBtelecom network from 18:00 PM until 08:00 AM in the morning, as well as 24 hours during the weekend and festive days. For all new subscribers who choose ALBtelecom, the company offers free modem and free installation of fix telephony and internet.

For all subscribers that need greater packages, ALBtelecom offers the package “I+Fix 2,999 ALL”. This package includes LIMITLESS Internet 2 Mbps plus the offer FOLFIX 1500. FOLFIX 1500 package includes 1500 minutes within ALBtelecom network as well as 30 minutes for international calls without time limits. New subscribers can profit with this package too free modem and free installation for fix telephony and internet.

Meanwhile, the subscription for the packages “I+Fix 1,999 ALL” and “I+Fix 2,999 ALL” can be carried out by just comig across the sales points of ALBtelecom in all cities of Albania. The above packages do not include VAT. Every family subscriber must have the ID and the telephone booklet. ALBtelecom employees in all the points of ALBtelecom network shops, will make possible the signing of an annex contract which will be attached to the preliminary subscriber’s contract.

The minutes’ offers of these packages are valid only within the calendar month and cannot be ported in the forthcoming month. With the end of the package minutes, for every call time consumed, the subscriber will be charged according to the existing tariff plan. Subscriptions in these packages are valid for every month’s day.