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ICTY donates books to Kosovo Universities and Centre for Human Rights

ICTY donates books to Kosovo Universities and Centre for Human Rights

Hague, March 16, 2011 NOA - The Tribunal today made a significant donation of legal journals to the Law Faculty libraries of the Universities of Pristina and Prizren as well as to the Centre for Human Rights, which is located at the University of Pristina.

The donation includes a large number of copies of the Foreign Policy Magazine, the Journal of International Affairs, the Magazine of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the Human Rights and Criminal Law quarterlies, as well as the ICTY Judicial Reports and other legal manuals and books on legal theory and practice.

The donated books and journals will greatly benefit the students of law in Kosovo as well as legal professionals practicing there.

“The ICTY’s generous book donation to the Centre for Human Rights plays an important role in strengthening the Centre’s potential to provide educational resources in the field of human rights, especially regarding issues related to war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide,” commented Mr Valon Murati, Director of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Pristina.

This is the second time the Tribunal donates legal journals to the Law Faculty and Human Rights Centre of Pristina University. The first donation was made on 6 August 2010 and included an extensive anthology of the American Journal of International Law, ICTY Judicial Reports and the European Journal of International Law.

The Tribunal is committed to promoting respect for the rule of law which is of paramount importance in building modern societies and advancing those values, especially among the young generations of Kosovans.

As the ICTY moves towards the completion of its mandate, the Outreach Programme is intensifying its efforts to increase the local communities’ access to and understanding of the international criminal justice system and the Tribunal’s achievements within it.

The Outreach Programme was created in 1999 with the purpose of improving the understanding of the work of the Tribunal and its relevance in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. As the first programme of its sort, the Tribunal set a precedent for other criminal tribunals which have since set up similar programmes. The Programme is supported by the European Union.
